
白脈椒草Peperomia tetragona



  • 花盆:塑膠吊籃花盆(掛鉤可以拆下)
  • :散射光或幾小時的直射光
  • :約10天1次,看具體情況
  • 溫度:5度以上
  • 寵物友好程度:有毒
  • 注意事項:需要通風,夏天不可暴曬,其他季節可以全日曬,不可頻繁澆水

Plant care

  • Pot: plastic pot
  • Light: indirect sunlight
  • Water: about once every 10 days, depending on the specific situation
  • Temperature: above 5 degrees
  • Pet-friendly degree: toxic
  • Matters needing attention: Keep the environment airy and avoid strong sunlight. Don’t water it too often.

nursery pot 育苗盆, 粉色陶瓷花盆 ceramic pot


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